Rudi Capra received his PhD in East-West Comparative Philosophy at the University College Cork in 2019, with a doctoral fellowship awarded by the Irish Research Council. Between 2020 and 2022, Dr. Capra worked as a lecturer in East Asian Philosophies at NUI Galway, and as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Macau 澳門大學 and University of Wuhan 武漢大學, publishing in several journals and edited volumes.
His research focuses mostly on Chinese Philosophy, Japanese Philosophy, Buddhism and Aesthetics, always in a cross-cultural and comparative outlook. He recently published his first philosophical book, I flauti del cielo. Quattro divagazioni sul tema della filosofia comparata (Mimesis 2020), followed by the monograph Nicolas Winding Refn. La vertigine del fato (Falsopiano 2022).