THP Research Project 2023 | References

William L. Andrews and Henry Louis Gates, Slave narratives, Library of America (2000)
Derek Beales, Joseph II: II Against the World, 1780-1790 (2009)
Maxine Berg and Pat Hudson, Slavery, capitalism and the industrial revolution (2023)
Carminella Biondi, « Mon frère, tu es mon esclave! »: teorie schiaviste e dibattiti antropologico-razziali nel Settecento francese (1973)
Youmna Charara, Fictions colonials du XVIIIe siècle (2005)
Andrew S. Curran, The Anatomy of Blackness: Science and Slavery in an Age of Enlightenment (2011)
Patrizia Delpiano, La schiavitù in età moderna (2011)
Madeleine Dobie, Trading Places: colonization and slavery in eighteenth-century French culture (2010)
Isabel de Madariaga, ‘Catherine II and the serfs: a reconsideration of some problems’, Slavonic and East European Review, 52 (1974), p.34-62
David Diop, Rhétorique nègre au XVIIIe siècle: des récits de voyage à la littérature abolitionniste (2018)
William Doyle, ‘Slavery and serfdom’, in The Oxford Handbook of the Ancien Régime, ed. W. Doyle (2012), p.267-81
Michèle Duchet, Anthopololgie et histoire au Siècle des Lumières (1971)
Jean Ehrard, Lumières et Esclavage (2008)
Vincenzo Ferrone, Il mondo dell’illuminismo. Storia di una rivoluzione culturale (2019)
G. M. Fredrickson, Racism: A Short History (Princeton 2002)
Henry Louis Gates Jr. and Andrew S. Curran, Who’s Black and Why?: a hidden chapter from the eighteenth-century invention of race (2022)
Paulin Ismard, Benedetta Rossi and Cécile Vidal (eds), Les Mondes de l’esclavage: une histoire compare (2021)
Anne Lafont, L’Art et la race: l’Africain (tout) contre l’œil des Lumières (2019)
Antoine Lilti, L’Héritage des Lumières: ambivalences de la modernité (2019)
Claude Meillassoux, Anthropologie de l’esclavage: le ventre de fer et d’argent (1986)
Christopher L. Miller, The French Atlantic Triangle: literature and culture of the slave trade (2008)
Shane O’Rourke, ‘The emancipation of the serfs in Europe’, in The Cambridge History of World Slavery, volume 4, ed. D. Eltis and others (2017), p.422-40
Eva Piirimäe, Herder and Enlightenment Politics (2023)
Johannes Menne Postma, The Dutch in the Atlantic Slave Trade 1600-1815 (1990)
Jean-Frédéric Schaub et Silvia Sebastiani, Race et histoire dans les sociétés occidentales (XVe-XVIIIe siècles) (2021)
Edward Derbyshire Seeber, Anti-Slavery Opinion in France during the Second Half of the Eighteenth Century (1937)
Robert Louis Stein, The French Slave Trade in the Eighteenth Century: An Old Regime Business (1979)
Devin J. Vartija, The Color of Equality: race and common humanity in Enlightenment thought (2021)
Cécile Vidal, Caribbean New Orleans: empire, race, and the making of a slave society (2019)
Eric Williams, Capitalism and Slavery (1944)
Marcus Wood, The Poetry of Slavery: An Anglo-American Anthology (2003)

Research cycle

Slavery and Serfdom in Europe and the New World: Debates in the Early Modern Period