Mirko Canevaro is Professor of Greek history at the University of Edinburgh. He studied for a BA (2006 and an MA (2008) at the University of Turin, received a PhD from Durham University (2011), and has held research positions at the British School at Athens and at the Universität Mannheim and Visiting Professorships at the Universities of Cagliari, Siena, and Queensland, and at the EHESS in Paris. His research has been funded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, the AHRC, and the Leverhulme Trust, and he has been awarded two ERC grants, one on ‘Honour in Ancient Greece’ (2018-2023) and one on ‘Class Struggle in Ancient Greek Democracy’. He has also received significant honours and awards: the Philip Leverhulme Prize; the University of Edinburgh Chancellor’s Rising Star Award; the Royal Society of Edinburgh Thomas Reid Medal. He was elected in 2019 to the Academia Europaea and in 2022 to the Royal Society of Edinburgh.

He has worked extensively on the institutional and social history of ancient Athens and the Greek city-states. He has published numerous books, chapters, and articles on the legal and political institutions of Athens, on Greek political decision-making and constitutionalism, on conceptions of honour, rights and recognition, and on ancient political theory (Aristotle in particular). His most recent books are an extensive commentary, co-authored with Lucio Bertelli, of Aristotle’s Politics, books VII-VIII and an edited volume on Archaic Greece. During his stay in Turin, he has worked on finishing a monograph on subjective rights in ancient Greece, on finalising a book on Slavery and Honour in the Ancient Greek World, as well as on volume 1 of the Cambridge History of Rights (The Ancient World).

Research cycle

Slavery, ethnicity and race in the Mediterranean. Ideas and attitudes from Homer to Columbus.

Mirko Canevaro, Fondazione 1563, Turin Humanities Programme Visiting Professor