Michela Catto teaches Early modern history and history of globalization at the University of Turin. She earned her PhD from the Scuola Normale of Pise in 2001. She was postdoc fellow at the Fondazione Bruno Kessler (Trent), Fondazione Luigi Firpo (Turin) and SUM (Florence). She was Marie Curie Fellow at the EHESS in Paris, researcher at the Fondazione Bruno Kessler and at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. Her primary research interests lie in the religious and cultural history of the early modern age with special regards to the history of Jesuits and their global missions. She is the author of La Compagnia divisa. Il dissenso nell’ordine gesuitico tra ’500 e ’600 (Brescia, 2009, Ciudad de México, 2016); Cristiani senza pace. La chiesa, gli eretici e la guerra nella Roma del Cinquecento (Roma, 2012), as well as numerous articles and essays. Recently she has edited with Adriano Prosperi, Trent and Beyond. The Council, other Powers, other Cultures, Brepols, 2017; with Guido Mongini, Mistica italiana dalla fine del Quattrocento al Novecento, in La mistica cristiana, Mondadori 2021 and with Isabel Drumond Braga, La lotta per l’egemonia mondiale. Tra politica e religione: gesuiti, castigliani e portoghesi monograph number of the «Revista LibrosdelaCorte.es» (spring-summer, 2022).

Michela Catto