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Palazzo d'Azeglio, Torino

Gender and the body in medieval and early modern political thought: Europe and East Asia

Research Cycle | Political Thought and the Body: Europe and East Asia, ca. 1100-1650

Director of Studies | Serena Ferente

10.00 Serena Ferente (University of Amsterdam) | The body of the Church is female, the body of the State is male: legal organicism and gender
10.15 Anna Katharina Becker (Aarhus University) | Gender and the body in early modern political thought
10.30 Q&A
10.45 Odile Liliana Panetta (Aarhus University) | Gendered bodies, punishment, and discipline in early modern Reformed Protestantism
11.00 Giorgio Lizzul (Junior Fellow Turin Humanities Programme) | The gendered body in metaphors of the economic life
11.15 Q&A
11.30 Rudi Capra (Junior Fellow Turin Humanities Programme) | Power emasculation and political reproduction: reflections on the eunuchs and the “third gender”
11.45  Valentina Altopiedi  (University of Torino) | Is virtue genderless? Exploring how the French Enlightenment integrates the body in the political reflection
12.00 Q&A
12.15 Evgeniya Shelina (Junior Fellow Turin Humanities Programme) | Investigating gendered usages of body terms in corpora of medieval texts
12.30 Yagi Morris (Junior Fellow Turin Humanities Programme) | Between the exile of the Israelites and the schism of the Godhead: an investigation of the Shekinah
12.45 Q&A
15.00 Gianna Pomata (Institute of the History of Medicine, The Johns Hopkins University) | A sample of Chinese medicine for 17th-century Europe

In-person THP Seminar will be in Palazzo d’Azeglio (Via Principe Amedeo 34, Torino) with a live-stream on the Fondazione 1563 YouTube channel.


02 Feb 2024


10:00 - 16:00

More Info

Poster [.pdf]


Palazzo d’Azeglio
via Principe Amedeo 34, Torino
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