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Isabella, Southern Europe in the Age of Revolutions, 2023, THP

“Southern Europe in the Age of Revolutions”

Book launch of Professor Maurizio Isabella’s new book, entitled “Southern Europe in the Age of
Revolutions” (Princeton University Press, 2023)

An examination of revolutions in the Iberian and Italian peninsulas, Sicily and Greece in the 1820s that reveals a popular constitutional culture in the South.

Introduction and chair: Giuseppe Grieco
Speakers: Mark Philp (online), Edoardo Tortarolo, Irene Gaddo, Maurizio Isabella

The roundtable will be followed by a conversation with Ph.D. students and early-career researchers of the University of Turin, of the Turin Humanities Programme, and of the Fondazione Luigi Einaudi.

In-person event will be in Fondazione Luigi Einaudi Conference room (Via Principe Amedeo 34, Torino)

The book launch is organized in collaboration with Fondazione Einaudi and in partnership with the Department of Historical Studies and the Department of Culture, Politics and Society of University of Turin


08 Jun 2023



More Info

Poster [.pdf]


Fondazione Luigi Einaudi
via Principe Amedeo 34, Torino
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