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Rights, Republicanism and the legacy of Enlightenment

Speakers Giuseppe Grieco (City, University of London), Christopher Hamel (University of Rouen Normandy), Valentina Altopiedi (University of Turin), Adriana Luna-Fabritius (University of Helsinki), Thomas Ashby (European University Institute), Laurelin Middelkoop (European University Institute), Laura André (Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas), Vincenzo Ferrone (University of Turin)

Research Cycle | Enlightenment legacy: the rights of man in a global perspective

The THP Seminar will be held at Palazzo d’Azeglio (via Principe Amedeo 34, Torino) with a live-stream on the Fondazione 1563 YouTube channel.

Workshop carried out as part of PRIN 2022 “Universalism and rights of man: late Enlightenment” – Principal investigator Vincenzo Ferrone

Organized by Valentina Altopiedi, Thomas Ashby, Giuseppe Grieco


16 Apr 2024


14:00 - 18:00

More Info

Poster [.pdf]


Palazzo d’Azeglio
via Principe Amedeo 34, Torino
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