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Race and ethnicity in the pre-modern Mediterranean: theories and methodologies

Speakers | Mirko Canevaro, University of Edinburgh; Youval Rotman, University of Tel Aviv; Walter Pohl, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien; Rachel Schine, University of Maryland; Helmut Reimitz, Princeton University

THP Research Cycle | Slavery, ethnicity and race in the Mediterranean. Ideas and attitudes from Homer to Columbus

Director of Studies | Nino Luraghi

Live-stream on the Fondazione 1563 YouTube channel


9:45 Welcome and opening of the proceedings
10:00 Mirko Canevaro (University of Edinburgh), Were the Greeks racist? Some reflections on categories and definitions
11:00 coffee break
11:15 Youval Rotman (University of Tel Aviv), Origin, religion and ethnicity in Byzantium: means of exclusion and inclusion of the Other
12:15 lunch break
14:00 Walter Pohl (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien), Race, ethnicity and the barbarians in Late Antiquity
15:00 Rachel Schine (University of Maryland), Race and Religion in Medieval Arabic Epics: Allegories of Assimilation and Webs of Dependency
16:00 coffee break
16:30 Helmut Reimitz (Princeton University), Functions and forms of ethnicity in the post-Roman West


15 Dec 2023


All Day

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Palazzo d’Azeglio
via Principe Amedeo 34, Torino
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