Céline Spector is Professor at the Philosophy Department of Sorbonne University. Her work is devoted to modern and contemporary political philosophy, to the history of philosophy from the 18th century (Montesquieu, Rousseau) to the present day, to theories of justice, and to liberalism and its critiques. In the wake of a reflection on the legacy of the Enlightenment, she has been engaged for several years in an analysis of European democracy and sovereignty.

Her latest publications are Eloges de l’injustice. La philosophie face à la déraison (Seuil, 2016); Rousseau et la critique de l’économie politique (Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, 2017); Rousseau (Polity Press, 2019); No demos? Souveraineté et démocratie à l’épreuve de l’Europe (Seuil, 2021); Europe philosophique, Europe politique, L’héritage des Lumières, edited with T. Coignard and C. Spector eds, Classiques Garnier, “Rencontres – le Dix-huitième siècle”, 2022; Rousseau et Locke. Dialogues critiques, edited with J. Lenne-Cornuez (Oxford University Studies on the Enlightenment, Liverpool University Press, 2022). She co-edits the series “L’esprit des lois” for the Librairie Vrin.

Spector Céline