Bianca Mazzinghi Gori completed her BA and MA degrees as part of the joint programme of Scuola Normale Superiore and University of Pisa. She then received her PhD in Classics at the University of Edinburgh in 2023, within an Advanced Horizon Project funded by the European Research Council. Her PhD thesis examines honour and recognition dynamics in ancient Athens, with a specific focus on the experiences of women, slaves, and children.

For the Turin Humanities Programme, she investigates the conceptual connections between ancient Greek slavery and childhood, in relation to issues of race and ethnicity. Her project adopts a multi-disciplinary approach, drawing on modern theories of recognition, accounts of social psychology, and cognitive studies of metaphor.

Research cycle

Slavery, ethnicity and race in the Mediterranean. Ideas and attitudes from Homer to Columbus.

Bianca Mazzinghi Gori, THP Research Project